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Kick-off Meeting in Milan
The first transnational meeting (kick-off meeting) of the 30-month long Erasmus + project was held in Milan (Italy) together with the representatives of the 5 partner organizations
08/2022 - 04/2023
In order to elaborate a "Report on the Situation of Eating Disorders in Sport around Europe", partners have studied the situation of EDs around Europe through surveys directed to target groups (sport coaches, athletes, sport clubs, etc.), analysis of statistical data and review of the literature. As a result, they discovered higher risk disciplines and the most common EDs among athletes. In addition, they found out the gaps in the knowledge of sport coaches and families in this respect.
08/2022 - 04/2023
Mid-term Meeting
The main focus of this meeting was performing the evaluation of the research report and stablishing the guidelines of the manual. It was held in Rijeka, Croatia.
01/2023 - 04/2024
Elaboration of the Manual
EILD (WP3) prepared a preliminary version of the Manual on “How to Prevent and Combat Eating Disorders among Athletes”. Based on this document, a preparatory training for facilitators was prepared. This training is aimed at preparing trainers and psychologists to guide workshops about EDs for sport coaches and families of athletes.
01/2023 - 04/2024
Training of facilitators
EILD hosted in Thessalloniki an international training in their facilities with all the team members that will be in charge of facilitating the local workshops. They also collected their feedback in order to improve the quality of the manual.
09/2023 - 02/2024
Workshops (local activities)
At each partner country, the Consortium organized the before-mentioned workshops in target facilities like educational institutions that train sport coaches or parent associations of athletes. This provided further insight on the quality of the manual, which EILD adjusted accordingly. The local activities were organized by Bulsport.
09/2023 - 02/2024
01/2023- 04/2024
Elaboration of the Map
L’ORMA at this point prepared digital map with all the available European Resources in relation to EDs. This map works as an interactive platform in which the general public can look for the associations/entities closer to them that can offer some kind of support for people struggling with an ED. There is not any similar initiative existent, but partners believe it would be very useful when looking for help in this matter.
01/2023- 04/2024
Final Meeting and International Multiplier Event
Karate Klub (WP5) organized a multiplier event during the European Week of Sport aimed at promoting the project’s deliverables and at raising awareness on the spread of EDs. The event was a conference among international experts in psychology, EDs and sport. Representatives of the European sport sector were invited to join and learn about the initiative. The purpose of the final meeting was assessing the results of the local workshops and evaluating the quality of the Manual and the Map. Finally, partners prepared the Multiplier Event’s agenda and discussed the opportunities they had to continue working against the diffusion of EDs.
Activities and gallery